Video Wallet Banner
Description: 300x250 banner runs video and expands to 600x250 upon user interaction. The expanded area may contain interactive elements subject to permissible guidelines. If the expanded banner is not interactive, it automatically collapses after 15 seconds.
Main Single FLA:600x250 pixels
Both collapsed & expanded dimensions will be a part of this single file.
Collapsed dimension (within main FLA):
Main Single FLA:600x250 pixels
Both collapsed & expanded dimensions will be a part of this single file.
Collapsed dimension (within main FLA):
- 300x250 pixels
- Right aligned
- Mandatory 1 pixel border
- 600x250 pixels
- Expansion towards left side of 300x250
- Mandatory 1 pixel border
Format: SWF / HTML5
Maximum Weight: 100 KB
Sound: OFF by default
Step-1When page opens, 300x250 banner and starts playing TV Commercial.
On 300x250 (collapsed dimension):
On 600x250 (expanded dimension):
Step-1When page opens, 300x250 banner and starts playing TV Commercial.
On 300x250 (collapsed dimension):
- TV Commercial starts playing as soon as the banner is served
(For TVC specs, pls check Video Specs ) - Sound OFF by default.
- "Click to Expand" button present. It disappears when banner expands to 600x250.
- Opaque background required.
On 600x250 (expanded dimension):
- The expanded banner may/may not play video or it may have an entirely new design/skin.
- Sound may be ON.
- Opaque background required.
- Expanded area may be interactive.
- "Close" button present, to collapse back to 300x250 dimension. In case of interactive banner, it collapses only upon user interaction.
- In case of non-interactive banner, it collapses automatically after 15 seconds (refer ROS Box Bottom Expando)
Close Button:
- Required on expanded banner to collapse back into 300x250.
- Placed on Top Left Corner of 600x250 banner. Leave 6 pixels from both right & top.
- Font: Arial. Regular (non-bold). Point Size: 12. All lower case.
- Color: Black text on White strip (on any dark color BG) & White text on Black strip (on any light color BG).
For Example, use close x & not CLOSE X
Functions to be added ON FRAME:
Functions to be added ON FRAME:
- On collapsible frame, call the function:
- geturl("javascript:expandOnOffBottom(0,'world_right2');");
- On expandable frame, call the function:
- geturl("javascript:expandOnOffBottom(1,'world_right2');");
Script On Click Button:
- If animation is on the main timeline, then use:
- on (release) {
if (click.substring(0,5)== "http:" || click.substring(0,6)== "https:" || click.substring(0,1)== "/") {
getURL(click, "_blank");}
- If entire animation is inside the movie clip, then use:
- on (release) {
if (,5)== "http:" ||,6)== "https:" ||,1)== "/") {
getURL(, "_blank");}
Back Up Image:
- 300x250 pixel backup image
- 1 pixel border mandatory
- Maximum weight: 40 kb
- DO NOT put Replay button on Backup images
Recommended File Name Convention:
- Use small letters instead of big caps
- No special character and spaces in between the banner name. If required, use '_' (underscore) but not '-' (hyphen).
- Flash banners must have the same title names as GIF/JPEG banners. Example:rediff_728x90_19june04.swf / rediff_728x90_19june04.gif