Interstitial Banner Specifications
Click for SampleAfter 10 seconds: Banner disappears. (For this please leave the LAST key frame of flash file EMPTY.)
The background of the banner shall be 100% opaque. Rediff page underneath will NOT be visible.
After being served once:- To run Interstitial Banner AGAIN, user HAS TO GO to the rediff home page, which has the entry point.
- NO REPLAY button will be present.
- Placed on Top Right Corner of the expanded banner.
- Font: Arial. Point Size: 17. All lower case.
- Colour: Black text on White strip (on any dark colour BG) & White text on Black strip (on any light colour BG). For Example, use close x. & not CLOSE X
- Function to be added on 1st KEY FRAME:
getURL("javascript:expandOnOffTrns(1,'div_trans');"); - Function to be added on LAST BLANK KEY FRAME:
getURL("javascript:expandOnOffTrns(0,'div_trans');"); - Function to be added on LAST BLANK KEY FRAME:
Script on click button
- Present on the entire banner area. Click leads to the client’s site.
- The button will have any ONE of the following scripts:
a) If animation is on the main timeline, then use:
on (release) {
if (click.substring(0,5)== "http:" || click.substring(0,6)== "https:" || click.substring(0,1)== "/") {
getURL(click, "_blank");}
b) If entire animation is inside the movie clip, then use:
on (release) {
if (,5)== "http:" ||,6)== "https:" ||,1)== "/") {
getURL(, "_blank");}
In case the interstitial banner ALSO has settling banners along with it (for e.g. leader board, box banner etc., depending upon the DEAL), then for their specifications, kindly refer to the respective banners name on the left hand panel of THIS PAGE.
These settling banners would be separate files from the interstitial FLA.
Recommended File Name Convention:
- Use small letters instead of big caps
- No special character and spaces in between the banner name. If required, use '_' (underscore) but not '-' (hyphen).
- Flash banners must have the same title names as GIF/JPEG banners. Example:rediff_728x90_19june04.swf / rediff_728x90_19june04.gif