Pre-roll on iShare
Description: Before any selected video content starts playing on iShare, an in-stream video ad appears on the video console, plays for upto 30 seconds and disappears. The selected video content starts playing thereafter.
- Dimensions: 720x576 pixels
- Format: MP4 ONLY
- Maximum Weight: 2 MB
- Maximum Duration: 30 seconds
- Codec: avc1
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- Frames per second: 30
- Clickable: Yes
- Third party tracking: Not permitted
- Third party serving: Not permitted
- Targeting: Not permitted
Recommended File Name Convention:
- Use small letters instead of big caps
- No special character and spaces in between the banner name. If required, use '_' (underscore) but not '-' (hyphen).
- Flash banners must have the same title names as GIF/JPEG banners. Example:rediff_728x90_19june04.swf / rediff_728x90_19june04.gif