Moneywiz 300 x 600 banner
- Format: GIF / JPG / SWF / HTML5
- Dimension: 300x600
- Maximum weight: 60 kb
- Animation time: 15 seconds
- 3 loops allowed within 15 seconds
- Valid click command on the topmost layer
- No URL embedding allowed
- User initiated sound allowed, file loading not permitted.
- Back up image is mandatory
- Complete 1px border is mandatory
Backup GIF (is seen when the user does not have flash plug-in.)
- Format allowed: JPG or GIF
- Maximum weight: 60 kb
- Replay button does not work in gif animated banners
Valid click command :
on (release)
{if (click.substring(0,5)== "http:" || click.substring(0,6)== "https:" || click.substring(0,1)== "/") {
getURL(click, "_blank");}
* if entire banner is made in a movie clip
on (release)
{if (,5)== "http:" ||,6)== "https:" ||,1)== "/") {
getURL(, "_blank");}
Recommended File Name Convention:
- Use small letters instead of big caps
- No special character and spaces in between the banner name. If required, use '_' (underscore) but not '-' (hyphen).
- Flash banners must have the same title names as GIF/JPEG banners. Example:rediff_728x90_19june04.swf / rediff_728x90_19june04.gif