Direct Mailer
* Max Width 485px
* Maximum weight - 60 kb(including image &html)
* "< html >", "< head >","< body >","< stlye >","< title >" tags are not allowed.
* Table should be left aligned.
* Only Inline Style (inside HTML Element) is allowed.
* NO External Style Sheet & Internal Style Sheet (inside the < head > tag).
* Mapping is Allowed.
* Javascript is allowed.
* External Javascript file (.js) is NOT allowed.
* < Form > tag should open in a new window.
* Target for href & Form should open in a new Window except for < a >
*External Images can't be called. Images need to be uploaded on our Server only.
*< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" > is not allowed as it applies some default styles.
*< html xmlns="" > is not allowed.
* < Iframe > & < noscript > tags are not allowed